ケンゴ 正統派 イケメン 系統で言えばLDH 雰囲気は上田竜也に似てますが、ひいき目なしにケンゴ君のほうがイケメンかなと思います。
I am sure he is popular with girls. he is an athletic, polite, serious and nice young man.
めちゃくちゃカッコ可愛いイケメン、カナメくんが入店しました! はじめて面接でお会いした時に、な〇わ男子の道枝〇佑くんに似ているなと感じました! 私の印象ではメチャクチャ正統派なジャニ系だ...
SIMA 171/65/23
ゲイマッサージ 中野 筋肉質 ガタイ系 コウスケ He is Japan's best twink, just like an actor. No one can say anything bad about his looks. He comes to this gay massage parlor about once a week. He is well educated, got into a good university and usually works for a decent company.
He has a great swimmer's figure that would look good in a pair of racing shorts, and has well-shaped abs. He has long experience in massage.